Advanced Software Solution for Logistics Services

Streamline your logistics operations with our state-of-the-art technology and provide high quality of service to your customers.

ZervX software solution for logistics businesses
Admin panel dashboard and passenger app interface
Key features

Move Your Business Ahead

Our advanced features are aimed to empower third party logistics services providing businesses to operate seamlessly from start to finish and have everything you need to succeed.

Real-Time Shipment Tracking

Provides you with real-time updates on the status & location of your shipments and can track shipments at any time, from anywhere, and stay up-to-date on their progress.

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Business Intelligence

Gain insights into your logistics operations by tracking key performance indicators and generating customizable reports to help you improve overall logistics efficiency.

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Inventory Management

You can track and manage inventory levels to reduce excess inventory and improv order fulfillment rates, ensuring that you always have the right amount of stock on hand.

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Warehouse Management

Businesses can manage their warehouse space, track real-time inventory data, and optimize the picking and packing processes, reducing errors and improving efficiency.

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Billing and Invoicing

Simplifies your billing and invoicing processes, reducing errors and improving accuracy. You can generate invoices, process payments, and generate reports.

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Route Optimization

Plan efficient routes and reduce transportation costs by optimizing your delivery schedule. This feature allows you to minimize the number of miles traveled and ensure on-time deliveries.

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